f you’ve recently applied for a loan in the bank and your application was declined, you surely may not feel good. You really needed that loan amount? Don’t you? But do not disappoint yourself since it’s nothing personal though, and there are several potential reasons for the denial.
The denial might be because of the bad or no credit. Or maybe, due to insufficient or unverifiable income, or your loan application may be declined if it doesn’t look like you’ll be able to take on new debt i.e lenders look at your high debt to income ratio. Also, one of the reason is due to lack of collateral, and occasionally your loan application will be declined for less obvious reasons – if you submit an incomplete application or any other minute reason.
Whatever might be the reason? Disappointing yourself won’t lead you the solution, rather try understanding why that happened and figure out a different option for your loan amount.
You must have surely heard about Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms, but what do you think is the reason for you not trying out this option? Is it that you think you need to gain some knowledge and have a trust factor to borrow money from P2P platforms? Surely you do! Because unless you’re aware, you wouldn’t be interested and try it out. In that case, we are here to assist you! Let’s understand how P2P platforms can assist you with your required loan amount.
InstaMoney offers instant loans for any personal emergency needs. An instant personal loan to plan your wedding or family vacation! To make your credit card payment or your rental deposit! Or it could be an emergency like a medical situation or needing an urgent advance salary as your regular salary has not yet been credited. Whatever be the reason, InstaMoney understands your requirements and offers the right solution through our loans. You can avail an instant personal loan ranging from ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 10,000 on the app and we will transfer cash to your bank account within few minutes to 2 hours.
Even we do follow an eligibility process as banks do, but it’s super easy to get through with all concerns taken into consideration and avail your loan. As long as you are an Indian citizen and a salaried employee with above the age of 21 years, you are eligible. Unlike regular banks, we offer instant personal loans to a wider range of eligible customers. If your take-home salary per month is Rs. 12,000/- (or more), you are eligible for a loan and your full salary amount must be received in the bank account. Moreover, the important amongst all there should not be any default or delay payments in your credit report.
That’s with the criteria we follow!
So, now that you’re aware you can avail for your instant personal loan for any reason you wish to on InstaMoney application.